Trainers Hub

Ultimate Trainer Tool

Your one stop shop for all things Kryptomon. The Trainers Hub will quickly become your best friend as you venture into Kogaea! This page will cover all of the information that players can find on their Trainers Hub!

Breaking Down the Trainers Hub

The top of the trainers hub will display the players items (in order from left to right): Club Badges, Unfreeze Potions, Gold boxes, Silver boxes, Bronze boxes, $KMON, BNB, Loyalty Points and Candies.

The menu on the left of the Trainers Hub links you to all the tools a Kryptomon Trainer may need including but not limited to: Play Button, Marketplace, Kryptomon Finder, Shop, Reward Center, and the Academy itself!

Finally you can view details about your Kryptomon including : parents, time laid (egg created), time hatched (Kryptomons Birthday!) and the elements/power!

We recommend you click around and explore the Trainers Hub for everything it has to offer as it is your central location for all things Kryptomon!

Last updated