The Three Scales
The Scale of Love
It is very important to always care for your Kryptomon as they can attain "Boosted" stats through constant affection and proper care! However, If not taken care of, Kryptomon can fall into a "Frozen" state and will need to be unfrozen with an "Unfreezing Potion". This occurs when Two of the Three main scales fall to 0.
Feeding Scale
Just like real-life pets, Kryptomon will need to be fed and will each have different palates. Based on their preferences, feeding a Chicken dish to one Kryptomon might have a vastly different effect compared to feeding it to Kryptomon B!
Feeding a Kryptomon will require the use of Food items, which can be obtained from ‘Lootboxes’. There are currently 15 different types of food divided into 3 different categories, with 5 Food items each in the Standard, Medium, and Premium category Lootboxes. Once the hunger meter hits 0, it'll begin to starve and the Kryptomon's health will slowly begin to decrease.
The rate at which a Kryptomon digests its food is dependent on their Hunger Parameter assigned during birth. The higher the hunger stat, the quicker the Hunger Bar will decrease.
The Ego Parameter determines how picky a kryptomon is when it comes to favorite and dislkiked foods. The higher the Ego, the bigger the bonus from favorite food and the bigger the determent is from disliked foods!
Food Items List
In the realm of Kryptomon Genesis, there exist three distinct rarities of food items that Trainers can utilize to replenish their Kryptomons' feeding scales. Behold the complete array of Kryptomon's food item varieties, accompanied by their respective base value increments and the locations where they can be found:
Standard Food Items : Apple , Fish , Chicken , Water , Candy Base Value Increase: Tiny Acquired in: Bronze Lootboxes
Medium Food Items : Grape , Star Fish , BBQ , Milk , Ice Cream Base Value Increase: Significant Acquired in: Silver Lootboxes
Premium Food Items : Water Melon , Lobster , Steak , Tea , Cake Base Value Increase: Massive Acquired in: Gold Lootboxes
These food items serve as a vital resource for nourishing and strengthening your esteemed Kryptomons in their journey towards greatness. May you find and utilize them wisely, noble Trainers.
Health Scale
At birth, every Kryptomon is assigned a Constitution Parameter that will determine the “immune system” of the Kryptomon - Kryptomons with a low constitution will often fall sick, resulting in a decrease in the health scale. Treating a Kryptomon will require the use of medicinal items, which can be obtained from ‘Lootboxes’. There are currently 15 different types of medicines divided into 3 different categories, with 5 medicinal items each in the Standard, Medium, and Premium category Lootboxes.
Health, as mentioned earlier, will also decrease if the Fullness of your Kryptomon remains at 0.
Health Items List
For the Kryptomons dwelling within the realm of Genesis, there exist three distinct rarities of health items that Trainers can employ to replenish their Kryptomon's health scale. Behold the comprehensive assortment of Kryptomon's health item varieties, complete with their respective base value increments and from which they can be acquired:
Standard Health Items: Bandage , Potion 1 , Pill 1 , Vitamin 1 , Injection 1 Base Value Increase : Tiny Acquired in : Bronze LootBoxes
Medium Health Items : Bacterial Patch , Potion 2 , Pill 2 , Vitamin 2 , Injection 2 Base Value Increase : Significant Medium Acquired in : Silver Lootboxes
Premium Health Items: Salve , Potion 3 , Pill 3 , Vitamin 3 , Injection 3 Base Value Increase : Massive Acquired in : Gold Lootboxes
These health items serve as invaluable resources for replenishing and fortifying your esteemed Kryptomons' well-being as they embark on their grand battle journey. May you acquire and utilize them judiciously, esteemed Trainers.
Caring Scale
Even the strongest of warriors sometimes need a hug and your Kryptomon is no different! At birth, every Kryptomon is assigned an Affection Parameter which determines how frequently they will need Attention. Expressing your love and care for a Kryptomon will require the use of Toy items, which can be obtained from ‘Lootboxes’. There are currently 15 different types of toys divided into 3 different categories, with 5 Toy items in each of the Standard, Medium, and Premium category Lootboxes.
Like Fullness, Kryptomons with a high Affection stat will see their Caring bar decrease at a faster rate.
Caring Items List
In the world of Genesis, Kryptomons are attended to with utmost care and there exist three distinctive rarities of caring items that Trainers can utilize to replenish their Kryptomon's happiness scale. Behold the complete array of Kryptomon's caring item varieties, accompanied by their respective base value increments and the locations where they can be acquired:
Standard Caring Items : Feather Toy , Ribbon , Yellow Giftbox , Comb , Kiss in the Bottle Base Value Increase : Tiny Acquired in : Bronze Lootboxes
Medium Caring Items : Ball , Rustling Ribbon , Blue GiftBox , Toothbrush , Hug Pack Base Value Increase: Significant Acquired in : Silver Lootboxes
Premium Caring Items : Fluffy Toy , Rainbow Ribbon , Ringing Balls , Red Giftbox , Love Perfume Base Value Increase: Massive Acquired in :Gold Lootboxes
These caring items serve as essential provisions for nurturing and uplifting the spirits of your cherished Kryptomons as they embark on their remarkable adventures. May you procure these items and administer them wisely, esteemed Trainers.
General Tips
Free Lootboxes aren't designed to keep your pets hunger at 100, Kryptomon are okay to be at 0 Fullness as long as you care for the other stats. Save food for when you would like to battle or train!
Never miss a free box. Nothing in life is free...except your daily boxes!
Find you Kryptomons Favorite Food!