Kryptomon Academy
Overview of Academy
The Academy
The Kryptomon Academy, more commonly referred to as "The Academy", is the go to spot for information on all things about Kryptomon. Whether its your first time trying out Web3 gaming or you're a veteran Kryptomon Trainer, The Academy's goal is to provide you with the resources you will need to succeed in Kogaea.
How to Navigate The Academy
In order to make The Academy accessible for all players, including those that are new to the project, we have split the content into 4 major categories: Getting Started- High-level overview of Web3. Intended for those that are entering Web3 or Kryptomon for the first time and need assistance: Creating a wallet, Connecting to Networks, Adding funds, Understanding Genomes, Purchasing a Kryptomon, KMON Token info, etc.. If you are new to Kryptomon and want a high-level overview this is the section for you. Kryptomon: Genesis- Kryptomons' main title with an in-depth turn based combat system and a plethora of unique elemental spells. Feed, care, and train your Kryptomon to unlock its full potential! In this section we will cover all the play options in Genesis as well as how to maximize your resources! Kryptomon: Pink Moon- Section covering our quarterly Treasure Hunt event! This section will assume you already have a wallet with a Kryptomon in it and you are now looking to participate in the recurring event. Kryptomon: World of Kogaea- Kryptomons next ambitious title transporting trainers into the world of Kogaea! An open world MMORPG with its own questlines, lore, and mysterious creatures. This section will cover progress updates and spoilers for Kryptomon World as development continues!
Can't Find What Your Looking For?
If you are here with a specific question you can use the search function on the left side of your screen to filter for key words that are included in your question!
Lastly, if you have scoured the academy and still haven't found the answer to your question, we have thousands of dedicated trainers that may know the answer to your question in our Telegram or Discord. Users can also go to Telegram Support Group or Discord Support Ticket and submit a request with their question and our support agents will get back to you as soon as they have an answer!
Discord Tickets Support: Join Here Telegram Support Group: Join Here
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