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While battling the Enemies, Go near the Barrel and Capture it with Default Key " R " ( In Mobile You will see the Pick Barrel Icon where you are near it)
While picking barrel until the bare fills , If you use any spell using your Kryptomon Capture will cancel or if Enemies attack on your Trainer it will also disrupt the Capture.
You or Your Opponent can attack the Barrel Holder Kryptomons and knock out to let the Barrel drop it and then other can capture it from where it dropped.
ICE BLOCK : Encase the target in Ice Preventing Movement and Spell Block +Immune to all spells,effect,damage and healing for 8 seconds
Wall of Wind : Encase the target in Wind Preventing Movement and Spell Block + Immune to all spells,effect,damage and healing for 8 seconds
Ice Block and Wall of Wind are under the same family PVP spell due to that it share the Global Cooldown if the Kryptomon Pair have both elements Air and Ice after its used. Both spell can be used for making Trainer and Kryptomon Movement locked down to one place while they are under its effect.
SmokeScreen : Incapacitates the target in smokescreen causing Loss of control for 6 seconds
Sparkling Grasp : Stuns the target with an electric spark causing the loss of control for 6 second.
Smokescreen and Sparkling Grasp are under the same family PVP spell due to that it share the Global Cooldown if the Kryptomon Pair have both elements Fire and Electro after its used. Both spell can be used for the confusing the Trainer and Kryptomon to knockout easier while they are under its effect.
Quick Sand : Slows the target reducing movement speed by 70% and dealing Small Ground elemental damage every 3 seconds till 8 Second spells effect.
Horror : Slows the target reducing movement speed by 70% and dealing small Ghost elemental damage every 3 seconds till 8 Second spells effect.
QuickSand and Horror are under the same family PVP spell due to that it share the Global Cooldown if the Kryptomon Pair have both elements Ground and Ghost after its used. Both spell can be used for the Slowing down the Trainer and Kryptomon movement to knockout easier while they are under its effect.
Deep End : Drowns the target reducing the movement speed by 100% for 8 seconds.
Entangling Roots : Ensares the target reducing the movement speed by 100% for 8 seconds.
Deepend and Entangling Roots are under the same family PVP spell due to that it share the Global Cooldown if the Kryptomon Pair have both elements Water and Grass after its used. Both spell can be used for the Slowing down the Trainer and Kryptomon movement to knockout easier while they are under its effect.