Bonus Multiplier

Multiplier only add Boost for the KMON Saga Mission points.

Multipliers are live in the $PIMS Play2Airdrop Mission active on all KMON Saga Missions. Types of Bonus Multipliers for KMON Game Saga Missions :

  1. Daily Multiplier

  2. Weekly Multiplier

Every new account is given 2x Multiplier for 72 hr for an initial boost in KMON saga missions.

Newbie Multiplier can then be extended for another 96 hours when the all daily quests are completed in the first three days

2. Daily Multiplier

After completing all KMON game saga daily quests, you will receive a 1.2x Multiplier for the next 24 hours.

3. Weekly Multiplier

After completing all Weekly Quests, a 2x Multiplier will get activated for a 1 week.

Weekly Multiplier 4x - This will get activated when you receive the weekly multiplier 4 times in a row. You will then have an extra 2x multiplier for an entire month!

Event multipliers get activated randomly on a random hour, day or week Duration: Multiplier effect duration ranges from 2 hr to 48 hr based on chosen events. Stay tuned on our socials to know when they are activated! Multiplier: Multiplier bonus ranges from 1.4x to 1.8x

Paid multipliers can be bought and can then be activated for 24hrs or 1 week with a 1.1x , 1.5x or 2x Multiplier

At a time , only one paid multiplier can be bought.

  • Daily Reset time for the Quest is 3:00 PM UTC

  • Weekly Reset time for the Quest id Monday 3:00 PM UTC

Last updated